Sunday, November 27, 2022

The Revenant

 Jynx here. I recently had a run-in with Cole Garnet.

While monitoring another proxy, Ava Williams, better known as "The Goatman", I came across Daniel Jackson. Daniel, for those unaware, is the leader of the Branch House proxy group. Jaw DROP. 

He was outside a neighborhood in Meridian, Mississippi. I was there because Axel said there was activity and I just had to check it out. I stuck around for a bit, and in this neighborhood, I found the dwelling of Cole Garnet, along with another proxy, Oleander Andrews, as well as many other strange individuals. Cole was my target, though.

I began to shoot at him from outside through an open window. He came outside, wearing some trenchcoat and some sunglasses. Typical edgy proxy uniform, though I expected more from a revenant. As he got closer I tried attacking him, but barely any of my hits would land. I had to abscond from the scene, so I went to my van and drove off as quick as I could and drove all the way back to HQ. But he fucking followed me. He saw my ring, I know he saw it because that's what he was after.

He followed me all the way to Tennessee where he nearly chopped my hand off. He took my Key. Of course, he must hold the Death Key as well. 

I'm still recovering.


Friday, November 4, 2022

Hide and Go Seek


Hey, guys! It's Jynx again. Sorry for the inactivity, but I've found something fucking amazing. There used to be this big proxy organization in Maine often referred to as "Branch House" that was split up in June due to the SCP Foundation raiding their base of operations. Why's that important? Well, while scouring Mississippi, one of our members Axel found a house located in a suburb in Meridian. 

Wanna guess who's staying in this house?

Oleander Andrews, one of the BH proxies. And, bonus points for Cole Garnet, an extremely powerful Revenant (by technicality) Proxy. This is HUGE. 

I'm gonna head there sometime soon. I have to. I can't let the Moon's servants harm anyone anymore. I'm going to end this. It's going to be me.

Signing off.

~ Jynx

I Watch The Moon

The cracks in the sky above my city are gone. The Moon is visible for the first time in months. It's so beautiful, but... It reminds me ...